Charlie Caulk Memorial Building Fund
Our current total is: $108,933
This fund is for future expansion and the building of new facilities.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Our church has set a goal of raising $10,000
All donations go to the International Mission Board
Current Total: $12,245!!!
The Lord’s Supper
We will be observing the Lord’s Supper
Next Sunday, January 5th.
First Sunday Fellowship
Next Sunday Morning, January 5th at 9:30 am.
Come and enjoy a time of fellowship before Sunday School
with a cup of coffee or juice, and a pastry.
(Will be served in the Fellowship Hall)
Wednesday Night Service Schedule
There will be NO services/activities on Wednesday January 1st
Regularly scheduled Wednesday Night Activities
will resume on January 8th
Church Council Meeting
The next scheduled Church Council Meeting is
Sunday, January 12th at 4 pm.